Wikimedia Commons/Martin Rulsch
Wikimedia Commons/Martin Rulsch
Benson High School’s gymnastic program is debating whether or not it will be a good idea to relocate to another facility where it can have adequate equipment and safe space.
The District 777 Board of Education has faced this pressing question for years now, according to Swift County Monitor.
This question has been in limbo until now because if the Board of Education decides against shifting the gymnastic program to a new facility it will continue to have inadequate equipment and unsafe environment, on the other hand, shifting will need a good amount of capital.
The Board of Education has decided to grant the program $1.5 million subject to voters’ consent or by the action of the board. A referendum has been set up for voters to record their say on financing construction of the facility. In case the voters reject the current proposition, the school board will go for lease levy financed construction.